Franz Lindenmayr / Mensch und Höhle

ICPM 2020 Libanon

Es zeichnete sich ab, daß das nächste internationale Höhlenphotographentreffen im Libanon stattfindet! Chadi Chaker schrieb:

 " I am glad to announce that we will be excited and honored to host ICPM2020 to unveil the beauty of the Mediterranean Karst in the Northern part of Lebanon in the shade of the Millenial Cedars Trees."

Ausgerechnet im Libanon! Schon wurde die bange Frage gestellt: "Is Lebanon safe?  Is it safe also for US citizens?" Chadi scheint dieser Meinung zu sein.

Nun heißt es:

"Accordingly, the official date for ICPM 2020 will be from 25 Sep to 2 Oct 2020.

As we apologize from those who preferred the earlier date, we hope they can adjust their schedule to meet again in Lebanon this Year.

We are glad as well to announce that the website is launched and ready for you to use, hence we urge you to consult it and register through it by filling the “registration form”.

This website will be updated gradually to include all the necessary information, meanwhile we remain at your disposal for any clarification you may need."


In einer Welt voller schlechter und schlimmer Nachrichten, die mieser kaum sein können - ein Hoffnungsschimmer! Er ist so wie das bißchen Licht, das durch einen Höhleneingang hereinkommt. Oder aus der Höhle nach draußen dringt. 

Wir freuen uns.

Positive Nachricht aus dem Libanon am 25. Juni 2020:

Dear All,

We hope all of you made it through this pandemic safe and sound, we feel with those who had their beloved affected by the virus, hoping that soon all this becomes just history.

We were very glad to see registrations still coming through the website, this gives us momentum to keep the positive attitude.

The lock-down in Lebanon has been almost removed for two weeks now, and things seem to be stable. The airport is expected to open by the beginning of July with some PCR test requirement; we know that some international airlines resumed their flights in a partial schedule.

Looking forward for an exciting summer to spend with old friends...


ICPM 2020 Team

Das Ende vom Lied....und allen Zweckopitimusses...


Dear All,

Almost a year has passed since we first initiated the idea of having the next ICPM in Lebanon. During the period, we all fought our way through the unexpected challenges, locally and internationally, while trying our best to respect and fulfill our commitment by staying hopeful that the global pandemic will not stand in the way of ICPM 2020.

Unfortunately, as we have approached closer to date, it is clear that the current travel procedures (mandatory tests, quarantine and other requirements that remain unclear at times) are not feasible for us to guarantee a smooth and successful event.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for continuing to have faith in us despite the tough series of events. Your eagerness and curiosity to visit our charming Lebanon is what kept us fighting especially those of you who went as far as registering regardless of the major panics and lock-downs that we encountered at the start of the pandemic.

We understand that some of you may have already purchased flight tickets. If you are still willing to travel during such times, we would be more than happy to welcome you in Lebanon and arrange some interesting caving and site-seeing trips as per your preference.

Hope to see you all at the ICS 2021 in Chambéry - France where we can also discuss ICPM 2022...

All the best,

Annie, Taleen, Philippe, Chadi and ICPM Lebanon team..."


Wir können alle nur hoffen, daß dieser Event nur aufgeschoben ist und nicht für immer aufgegeben.


Speläologisches im Libanon

Die Internationalen Höhlenphotographentreffen / International Meeting of Cave Photographers / Rencontres Internationales des Photographes Du Monde Souterrain / Incontro Internazionale dei Fotografi del Mondo Sotteraneo

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